Code of Ethics Business Adapter data protection

Business Adapter data protection has approved a Code of Ethics whose object responds to the full commitment, with the society in general, with our clients and with our own entity, to set the values and principles that govern all our actions as a data protection principles that govern all our actions as a data protection consultant, being the central axis to offer consulting services, auditing and data protection training with full professionalism, transparency, integrity, responsibility and ethical behavior of all the people who make up our entity.

Likewise, with this Code of Conduct, Business Adapter S.L. intends to consolidate a culture of integrity among its employees, constituting a guide for all corporate actions and decisions.

In the same way, it becomes a key document for the creation of the organization’s organizational culture, with the aim of contributing to excellence in the provision of our consulting, auditing and training services in the field of data protection.

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