Generative Artificial Intelligence

Generative Artificial Intelligence

Have you ever wondered if you could tell the difference between content created by a human or by artificial intelligence? Answering this question is becoming more difficult every day.

AI is evolving at breakneck speed and becoming increasingly sophisticated, so that being able to identify whether what we are reading or the information we have received is the product of human or machine action has become quite a feat.

What is Generative AI (GAI)?

Generative AI is artificial intelligence that can create novel and original content, attempting to mimic human intelligence, through learning methods and from existing data.

What are the risks of IAG-generated content?

As we already know, the IAG, depending on who develops it, is trained with criteria and parameters established by its developer, thus obtaining information that may not be accurate or updated and may contain biases or inaccuracies that affect the formation of our own ideas.

This leads us to consider another type of problem that is closely related to the IAG, such as ethics; that is, the contents generated by the IAG have a high impact on our society and globally, so we must take into account and analyze the ethical and responsible use of these new technologies. in our society and at a global level, so we must take into account and analyze the ethical and responsible use of these new technologies.

Also, this novel content generated by the IAG may be an issue to consider from the point of view of intellectual property and copyright, since the novel content created by the IAG is based on information and data created by a third party (human, obviously) that has legally recognized copyrights and intellectual property rights that must continue to be protected.

How to detect AI-generated text?

In order to be able to detect whether a text has been generated by AI and not by a human, you should pay attention to the following points:

1-. Texto con máxima coherencia exento de todo matiz emocional o cultural.

2-. No hay faltas de ortografía y las construcciones gramaticales son simples.

3-. Patrones repetitivos a lo largo del texto que le restan naturalidad.

4-. Análisis general y poco profundo de las ideas expresadas en el texto.

5-. Estilo formal en la redacción

The European Commission, in its Report ” Generative AI Transparency: Identification of Machine-Generated content points out that IAG developers could use the following techniques to make the AI-generated product transparent and easily identifiable to users:


These data are in the document itself, are easy to identify and analyze, especially if the content format is JPG, PDF, MP3 and PNG, and do not alter the content of the document and are stored separately. These data can be protected by cryptographic techniques.

Water seal

This technique incorporates metadata as invisible or barely perceptible markers in the content. They can alter the content (e.g., in images) but there are designs that produce minimal alteration. This technique can also be strengthened with additional data encryption.


This technique takes data and stores it externally, creating databases with unique identifiers for each generated content.

Detection tools

AI-based detection tools are created using machine learning classification techniques and are trained on human-created and machine-generated content. They can yield false positives in the creation of information by humans, so these techniques must be updated on an ongoing basis to avoid these types of errors.

However, it may be that all that has been pointed out so far is not enough for us to identify content generated by the IAG; that is, nothing is infallible; therefore, the European Commission recommends these techniques to be adopted in the following contents, according to the degree of coverage or guarantee of each one of them, according to the properties of efficiency, integrity, robustness against content alteration and protection against content manipulation:

In this regard, it should be noted that META has already announced that it will apply an “AI Generated” badge in its applications so that the user can identify whether the text or photo being viewed is generated by AI or by a human.

Tools to detect content created by IAG

In addition to the characteristics that we have highlighted of the contents generated by the IAG, and the possible solutions that we could apply so that they could be detected at a glance, there are technological tools that can help us to detect this type of contents:


Used to detect plagiarism and AI-generated content. Used by companies and the education sector.


Performs a textual analysis to identify whether the content was generated by AI or by humans. Identifies content generated by ChatGPT, GPT-4, and Google Bard, through its “Check Origin” function. There is a free version with analysis limited by the number of characters in the text.


This tool was originally created to detect plagiarism in academic texts, but has expanded its purpose and also applies to AI-generated content. It is free of charge.

It identifies characteristic patterns of AI-generated content, and is focused on the educational and academic sector. There is a free version with analysis limited by the number of characters in the text.


It identifies AI-generated text and is aimed at content creators and marketers. Its usefulness lies in the fact that it can detect patterns that have been modified so that it is no longer difficult to identify that the content was created by AI.

This tool is specifically designed to detect AI-generated texts in Spanish.

Business Adapter® at your service

If it is important for you to know if the texts you receive are written by AI, we encourage you to try any of these tools. Try this text for example, because can you be sure that this text was written by a human?

If you have doubts about how to apply AI in your business or company and want to be sure that it complies with data protection regulations, contact us by email:, you can also call 96 131 88 04, or leave your message in this form:

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