Iberdrola hacking: 1.3 million customers exposed
Iberdrola hacking: 1.3 million customers exposed
A new wave of cyber-attacks has been unleashed in Europe in the wake of events in Ukraine, putting businesses and citizens on alert.
An example of this is the cyber-attack suffered in March by the electricity company Iberdrola, where the personal data of 1.3 million customers were exposed, including full name, address, telephone number, e-mail and ID number.
Fortunately, thanks to the security measures implemented by the company, the most sensitive customer data were not affected, such as bank details.
Iberdrola notified the competent authorities of the event, as well as notified the affected customers in writing, indicating the measures adopted to deal with this cyber-attack, as well as warning them of any strange behavior that may occur in the following days, such as receipt of fraudulent emails, calls requesting unusual personal data, etc.
If you think you may be affected by the hacking of Iberdrola, or by any other cyber-attack on various companies, you can consult https://haveibeenpwned.com/, and enter your e-mail address or cell phone number to obtain results.
Photo: valenciaplaza
What should I do if my company suffers a cyber-attack?
1-. Si tu empresa sufre un ciberataque, deberás seguir estos pasos:
2-. Informar a tu Delegado de protección de datos
3-. Realizar un Registro de la brecha de seguridad:
–Detect the security breach and reinforce security measures to prevent a second attack:
–Detect what personal data has been exposed as a result of the cyber-attack;
–Evaluate the need to notify the breach to the Spanish Data Protection Agency(AEPD).
–Evaluate the need to communicate the facts to the affected persons
4-. Si el resultado de las evaluaciones del punto anterior es positivo, se deberá notificar la brecha ante el Registro de Brechas de la AEPD e informar a los clientes
5-. Denunciar los hechos antes las Autoridades competentes.
Business Adapter at your service
If you are a Business Adapter® customer , all these steps are fully explained in the “Security Breach Policy” and “Security Breach Notification Protocol” of your Data Protection Dossier.
In case of any cyber-attack, contact us:
[su_button url=”https://businessadapter.es/contacto” target=”blank” background=”#f6f903″ color=”#181818″ size=”7″ center=”yes” icon_color=”#000000″]Contact us, we will be happy to help you.[/su_button]