Information Security Policy

Business Adapter, a company that offers consulting services and data protection audit RGPD, LOPD-GDD and web regulations LSSICE, Data Protection Officer services, DPO/DPD, training services, backup and confidential destruction of information. Our main objective is the satisfaction of our clients, based on the values of efficiency, seriousness, professionalism and the execution of quality work with security guarantees, both of the information and documentation with which we work, as well as the data.

This means that both Business Adapter ‘s Management and its personnel must apply the established security measures and establish control and follow-up mechanisms. For this purpose, a set of measures, controls, procedures and actions have been implemented to protect all assets, including information and the processes that support it, as well as systems and networks. It is important that the principles of the Security Policy are part of the organizational culture. To this end, a clear commitment of those responsible for each area must be ensured for the dissemination, consolidation and compliance with this Policy.

In order to guarantee information security, the Management has developed and implemented an information security management system, the main pillars and objectives of which are as follows:

All Business Adapter personnel shall comply with the guidelines, rules and procedures, and as a consequence shall assume the duty to cooperate with this organization in the interest of ensuring that there are no alterations or violations of
these rules.

All persons who provide their services in Business Adapter must know and assume the obligations regarding the correct use of computer resources. Failure to comply with these obligations by personnel may give rise to disciplinary liability, and the exercise of legal procedures by the company for its enforcement.

Consequently, the Management extends this commitment to all employees, as well as to those who act on behalf of Business Adapter to comply with the guidelines of this policy, which will be periodically reviewed to ensure that they are always appropriate to the activities of the organization.
ensure that they are always appropriate to the organization’s activities.

Management extends this commitment to all interested parties to comply with the guidelines of this policy, which will be reviewed periodically to ensure that they are always appropriate to the activities of the organization.

The Address,
December 5, 2019


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