
What is a Cyber Attack?

A cyber-attack is considered to be any computer attack, therefore malicious, with the aim of accessing information (loss of confidentiality), eliminating (lack of availability) or altering such information (integrity).

Purposes of a cyber-attack

The most common purpose is economic, although there may be others, such as cyberterrorism.

How can they attack my company?

Currently, it is estimated that approximately 90% of SMEs and freelancers suffer cyber-attacks and the self-employed suffer cyber-attacks every day.

Moreover, as we have recently learned, cybercriminals are not limited to the private sphere, as we have cases of public entities, such as the Palacio de Congresos, the EMT and some more recent ones such as the SEPE.

Business Adapter®, in its work of constant advice, intends with this article to offer a “Quick Guide” to alert and instruct on the most relevant aspects to be taken into account to prevent a possible cyber-attack.

All this, in order to obtain the maximum protection of the information we handle, which is the most valuable asset of any professional activity.

Below, we will detail the most common ways used in the cyber-attack:

Identity theft: To make purchases in your name or in the name of companies, requesting bank transfers by pretending to be suppliers, etc.

Impersonating another entity: Impersonating a bank to ask for access credentials to bank accounts and steal money.

Impersonate IT providers by requesting passwords to access the computer and steal or hijack information for different purposes (espionage, ransomware, etc.).

Infecting computer equipment: With information that arouses your interest, (request for a quote, delivery of a package, invoice attachment, etc.) they encourage you to open a document or click on links that download a malicious program, which would cause your computer to become unusable, deletion of information, sending emails to infect other computers, etc.

What can I do to avoid cyber-attacks?

INCIBE reports that the main channel of cyber-attacks are employees, therefore, the first step is specialized training, both in data protection and information security.

The Nielsen and Panda Security report reveals that 90% of companies use portable devices for work (Smartphone or Tablets) and that 25% of tablets and 35% of smartphones do not have security software.

Therefore, another measure would be to install antivirus software on such devices, which will prevent (or at least drastically reduce) receiving emails from cybercriminals.

Every company must approve a Data Protection and Security Policy, which is mandatory for all staff. We remind you that the European (RGPD) and Spanish (LOPD-GDD)data protection regulations are mandatory for any company or professional in Spain.

This policy will guarantee the security of information and personal data. With measures such as those mentioned above or as for example:

— Security Breach Policy

— Network usage policy for portable devices

— Software download and maintenance policy

— Backup policy

— Password Policy

— Telework Policy

— Etc.

Business Adapter® Cybersecurity

Business Adapter helps you in all phases of a cyber-attack, but most importantly, we offer you all the necessary cybersecurity tools to prevent a cyber-attack.

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