Digital Workers

Digital Workers

Digital Workers is the new name for digital workers that is taking hold and revolutionizing the world.

The pandemic and the revolution that this health situation has meant for the world of work (among other aspects), has generated that working remotely or teleworking the world of work (among other aspects), has generated that the modality of working remotely or teleworking, is a palpable reality in this new reality.

So much so, that we already have in our legal system with the Decree Law of teleworkingThis decree specifies the conditions of the agreement to be signed by the employer and the employee, as well as the rights of the employee as part of his or her digital rights. digital rights in labor matters.

Therefore, in the current and future times, Digital Workers will be the profile that every company will look for in their new hires.

More about Digital Workers

To be a true Digital Worker, the first thing is to have advanced digital training, to be able to develop activities such as Copywriter, Growth Hacker, Digital Content, Scrum Master, Digital marketing, OKR Champion, E-commerce, among others.

This new digital era of work is a challenge not only for employers, who will have to adjust their approach to the digitization of their entire business and develop their business strategies in this way, but also for their employees, who must adjust to the new demands of “digital” without losing rights or having more obligations.

Decalogue of the Digital Worker:

  1. Connected and Working from anywhere and at any time, thanks to advanced telecommunication technologies.

  2. Access information from anywhere, because everything you need is hosted in the cloud.

  3. Use versatile and practical devices, such as laptop, tablet and smartphone that become portable offices.

  4. The security system of the devices is advanced and only those applications that are really necessary are used, minimizing risks.

  5. Collaborate quickly and agilely with the rest of the team, as documents are shared in the cloud.

  6. E-mail is slow. Collaborative Apps are used (Teams, Trello, Teamleader, Salesforce, etc.).

  7. Some of the security incidents can be solved autonomously.

  8. Videoconferencing has replaced face-to-face meetings in the office, which are more agile and less costly.

  9. Less paper is more.

  10. You can use the corporate or personal device, with all the maximum security measures.

Digital Workers and data protection

They have a very close relationship, since everything digital implies or may imply the massive processing of personal data and this implies complying with the provisions of the data protection regulations .

The freelance Digital Workers or the employer who has their services on staff, treats personal data as part of their daily activity and must be very clear that they must comply with the European and Spanish data protection regulations:

-General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 (GDPR)

-Organic Law 3/2018, on the protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights(LOPD-GDD).

The following aspects must be implemented in any freelance professional activity or company in order to comply with the Data Protection Regulation:

  1. Train staff on data protection

  2. Develop policies for the protection of personal data processed.

  3. Prioritize data minimization, i.e., process only those data that are really necessary, avoiding the collection and processing of excessive or unnecessary data.

  4. Adopt all necessary security measures, both organizational and technical, to demonstrate that the processing of data is in accordance with the standard.

  5. Obtain the express consent of the data subjects, in accordance with the principle of lawfulness of processing.

  6. To keep a Register of Processing Activities, according to the level of risk of the data processed.

  7. To carry out the impact assessment, whenever necessary and according to the obligation determined by the Spanish Data Protection Agency(AEPD).

  8. Special attention to the processing of special category data (sensitive) such as those revealing health data, ethnic origin, biometric, genetic, sexual orientation, political opinions, religious convictions (art. 9 RGPD and 9 LOPDGDD).

  9. Appoint a data protection officer, if its activity is subject to it according to the assumptions established in art. 34 LOPDGDD.

  10. Design a policy to analyze security breaches / breaches that may occur due to cyber-attacks or any other circumstance, taking into account the mandatory notification times to the AEPD, if applicable, and to the interested parties themselves.

  11. Establish practical and free mechanisms for the exercise of data protection rights, not only for employees, but also for clients or users, depending on the company’s activity.

  12. It is recommended to implement an internal whistleblower channelwhere the employee is protected from any retaliation and its sole purpose is to detect bad professional practices.

Comply with the Data Protection Act

If you are a Digital Worker or you have teleworking employees in your staff and you have doubts about how to comply with all your obligations in this matter, do not hesitate to contact us. We are experts Lawyers in data protection in Valencia / LOPD Valencia.

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