European digital identity

European digital identity

The European Union joins efforts every day to create a single European area, where all citizens have equal rights and obligations, in addition to the regulations of each Member State, which must always respect the European reference framework.

The “Digital Age” is a worldwide reality, so we ask ourselves what can’t be done today through digital media? Or seen from another perspective, what things can I do today using digital media? And the answer would be, EVERYTHING.

Well, faced with this globalization of the use of digital media for everything, both for the private sphere, as well as for the performance of our work activities, as our relationship with government agencies, the European Union has resumed its initiative since 2021 to create the European Digital Identity.

The context in which this new proposal is developed is the eIDAS Regulation, which corresponds to the European initiative for electronic identification and trust services.

What is the European Digital Identity?

European e-identity is the possibility for all European citizens, residents and businesses to identify themselves, both privately and publicly, either online or in person, through so-called “digital wallets”. and public, either online or in person, through the so-called “digital wallets”.

This new form of identification will be valid throughout the European Union and will allow all citizens to identify themselves and share electronic documents through a digital device, such as a cell phone, by means of “digital wallets”.

How will the new Digital Identity be used?

Every European citizen will be able to have a “personal digital wallet”, which can be carried on any mobile device (Smartphone, Tablet, Lap top…).

The possibility of identifying oneself through this means will always be optional for the citizen.

What does this new way of identifying myself bring to the table?

Greater control over the use of our personal data within the European scope, as well as knowing with whom this data is shared and how it is tracked.

Where will the new Digital Identity be used?

There are many areas where we can use this European digital identity: requesting certificates from authorities, accessing medical data, changing address or contact details, opening bank accounts, fulfilling tax obligations, registering for multiple activities: renting a car, booking hotels and flights, as well as various requests to different organizations (universities, for example).

What is the added value of the European Digital Identity?

The added value of this new identity can be summarized as follows:

  1. Free
  2. It is safe
  3. Valid throughout the European Union
  4. Convenience to carry out multiple procedures
  5. Optional for the citizen, and mandatory for the authorities, since they must accept it as a form of identification.

How will the security and privacy of personal data contained in “digital wallets” be ensured?

The European Commission proposes that Member States develop high-level security measures for “digital wallets” through certification processes.

Let us recall that these “digital wallets” will be used by citizens who so decide, sharing their personal data only in those areas or for certain procedures that they themselves decide.

When will it be possible to use the European Digital Identity?

The European Commission together with the Member States must design the necessary tools to implement this single European identity, through the design of a technical framework, which will be prepared in September 2022 and approved in October. After this deadline, pilot tests for its implementation will begin.

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