The Router. The gateway to your data
The Router. The gateway to your data
In every company there is a router that allows access to the Internet, essential for work but a gateway to access our information by outsiders.
Therefore, we must give great importance to the router and the first thing to do is to change the password to access the wifi, because most of them are satisfied with the wifi key that goes by default in the router.
If you have not changed the password, you should know that anyone can search the internet for “router passwords …….”where “…..” can be the brand of the operator (e.g. Orange) or the make and model of the router and it is easily found.
If you do not change the password it is possible that a neighbor is using your wifi service for free and in the worst case, a cybercriminal could access your corporate and confidential information and hijack or steal it.
To modify the router configuration, ask your internal or external IT department for help or if you prefer to do it yourself, follow the steps in this useful guide.
There are also routers and high security fiber,(FTTH Fiber), that Business Adapter® can provide you with for total peace of mind. Ask for more info.
Attention to router operation
One indicator that our router is compromised is when the connection speed drops and it is difficult to upload or download documents or simply access websites. Another indicator is that the connection is null and resumes for no apparent reason.
But these reasons can also be indicators that the router needs a reset, because taking into account that it is usual not to turn it off, it is understood that the device at certain times needs to be restarted.
Restarting should be a procedure that should be performed with some frequency. Everything will depend on the use and actual times of rest of the router. For example, it can be disconnected at night, on weekends, etc. Everything will depend on the circumstances of each company.
In fact, it is advisable to disconnect it frequently because in case of attack, we will be blocking access to the hackers and this would help them to desist in their efforts and look for other easier targets.
Nowadays, there is a generation of routers that have mobile applications with which you can program the reboot with the preferred frequency, so this is a good option.
How to improve router security?
This would be a good list of actions to take to improve router security:
Activate or modify the wifi password and the administrator login
Strong password of at least 15 characters that alternates letters (upper and lower case), numbers and symbols.
Enable WPA2 security
It will prevent access by outsiders and ensure encryption of data sent over the network.
Change the name of the wifi network
It will prevent the cybercriminal from investigating how to access, but do not put personal data.
Frequent disconnection of the router
Check their speed and download an App that informs you about the devices that are connected to your network.
Business Adapter at your service
If you need help, do not hesitate to contact your consultant or send us an email to or leave your message in this form and we will contact you:
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