Risks in social networks

Risks in social networks

If we are still wondering whether the use of social networks poses risks to the protection of personal data and corporate information of companies, there is still a long way to go.

Today, social networks are our primary channel of communication with our customers. others, whether in the professional or personal sphere. Those who do not keep their social networks up to date are in danger of extinction.

Under this premise, and focusing on the professional world, the use of social networks is a direct communication channel, open to all and with 24/7 use, with all the advantages that this entails, since the company is in constant communication with its customers or potential customers at all times, in a direct and personal way.

But …. are we aware that social networks put our most precious asset, our information, at risk?

And what personal data do I put at risk? ….?

Well, they can be many, such as personal contact data, e-mails, postal addresses, telephone numbers, images, voice, numbers that identify us, such as ID card or Social Security number, are some very common examples.

Risk in social networks

INCIBE has identified risks that directly affect the protection of our information and personal data when using social networks. These are:

— The main risk in the use of social networks is ourselves, i .e., human error.

Weak configuration in the privacy section of the social networks we use.

— Identity theft .

Malware campaigns, through addresses to infected pages or chats.

Phishing campaigns to steal personal, bank or company data.

If we transfer these actions to the business environment, we find the same problems and with greater consequences in all aspects: human errors that expose valuable company information, vulnerable privacy policies, impersonation of suppliers or customers, with the aim of introducing a virus into the system, theft of data or money.

Examples of real business situations that have put their reputation at risk and have affected them economically are the case of the Palacio de Congresos and the EMT. Another recent case is the attack on the SEPE, in which the 710 offices throughout Spain and the 52 telematic offices have been affected and, at the date of publication of this article, are still unable to provide their services.

Put yourself in expert hands

Motivated by these striking cases, the largest and most affected companies have already started to work to prevent this type of risk, hiring expert consultants in cybersecurity.

But when cybercriminals can no longer attack the big guys, they will flock to attack millions of small and medium-sized businesses.

That is why all companies should be properly advised on cybersecurity, since no one is exempt from cybercriminals, who in turn, every day improve their techniques causing greater damage to companies.

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