Legal notice for email
Legal notice for email
The so displayed “Legal Notice” for email must take into account several aspects, to comply with the Data Protection Regulation(RGPD 679/2016), with the Organic Law on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights, (LOPD-GDD 3/2018), as well as the Law of services of the information society and electronic commerce(LSSI-CE 34/2002).
The content of the text of a conventional legal notice for email could be the following:
Protection of personal data:
We inform you that our entity complies with European and Spanish data protection regulations (RGPD 679/2016 and LOPD-GDD 3/2018). It is Therefore, your personal data will be processed only to relate to us, to meet your requests and provide you with our services. Your data will be kept as long as this relationship exists, we are required by law and meet any liabilities arising from such treatment. Your data will not be transferred to third parties unless we are required by law or it is essential to provide our services or meet your requests. When you wish, you can contact us to know what data we have about you, limit its use, rectify or delete them, you even have the right to request the transfer of your information to another entity and to exercise any of these rights, do it in writing to our company, by mail or email, attaching a photocopy of your ID to identify you. If you believe that your rights have been violated, you can complain to the Spanish Data Protection Agency, at C/ Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid or at
Digital rights:
This e-mail is sent according to the sender’s schedule and time management criteria. If you receive it during your rest period, please read and respond to it during your working hours.
The entire contents of this e-mail are secret and may not be disclosed to third parties. If you receive this e-mail by mistake, please inform us and destroy it.
If you prefer, you can replace the above text with the following link:
Data Protection, Digital Rights and Confidentiality
In which the legal notice is displayed in a web environment when clicked.
What else does an email have to comply with?
In order for an email to be fully compliant with current data protection regulations, the following guidelines must be taken into account:
— Include the following identification and contact information in your corporate email signature:
Name and surname
Position/Position or Dept:
Professional management:
Corporate or commercial name of your entity
— When sending to multiple recipients, all email addresses should be included in blind carbon copy (Bcc) to safeguard the identity of the individuals.
— Don’t forget that advertising emails have other legal particularities that you must comply with.
— Emails with a certified signature are recommended, to provide a higher degree of security.
Seek legal advice
Business Adapter® data protection in Valencia, will analyze your case and will elaborate the necessary texts and procedures so that your e-mails, as well as your legal notice, comply with the regulations depending on the type of mailing.
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