Reports photos, videos or audios with sexual or violent content.

Report photos, videos or audios of sexual or violent content 

Business Adapter® as a member of the Digital Pact for the Protection of Individuals, wants to extend the responsibility we all have to ensure the digital rights of any person.  

If you are aware of the existence on the internet of photos, videos or audios of sexual or violent content   request its immediate removal at the

Agency Priority Channel

The Spanish Data Protection Agency(AEPD) is working hard to make society aware of the need and importance of personal data protection, and to this end has launched various campaigns that are of great use to society in general, but particularly to minors.

We all know that children are exposed to the problems that arise in the digital environment and where, most of the time, their personal data is exposed. This can lead them to run dangers that not only translate into a cyberattack to their social networks, or to their email accounts, but goes much further, including their mental health and physical integrity.

From Business Adapter S.L., as part of the Digital Pact for the Protection of People, we want to bring to our customers and environment in general, the most significant campaigns today, which help us to be more informed about how to better protect our personal data and how to treat in a healthy and effective way the technological resources at our disposal.

You can pass it on

This AEPD campaign aims to make available to society, an easy and simple tool, where you can report only Internet publications (images, videos) of sexual or aggressive content, without the consent of the affected persons, so that such content puts at high risk the rights and freedoms of such persons, as well as the removal of such content urgently.

It should be noted that this tool may only be used in these cases; in other words, the activity carried out by any person in their social networks is excluded from the data protection regulations when it is exclusively personal or domestic activities.

This type of complaint can be submitted through the AEPD’s Priority Channel.

In order to make use of this tool, persons wishing to report must first have requested the service provider to remove the content; in the event that the service provider has not removed the content, it is then the ideal time to resort to the AEPD’s Priority Channel.

To file a complaint through the Priority Channel, you need:

  1. Detailed description of the facts, indicating where and when the images or videos have been published, indicating the web addresses or social profile where the publication is visible.
  2. Identify the persons affected, indicating, if possible, whether they are minors, persons with disabilities or persons at risk of social exclusion.
  3. Indicate whether the competent authorities (police, courts, etc.) have already been notified and the status of the process.
  4. Indicate whether the service provider was previously requested to remove the content from the website or social media profile.
  5. Submit all documents supporting the arguments on which the complaint is based.

It is important to note that the Priority Channel will not always be able to help us, since if you are not a Spanish citizen or you are not in Spain, you will not be able to use it, and neither when the dissemination of the images or video is done through instant messaging or email. In these cases, you can file a complaint with the Agency itself, who must analyze it and finally consider whether it is necessary or not to make use of its sanctioning power.

Priority Channel Results

Last year, 51 emergency interventions were counted after analyzing the complaints filed through the Priority Channel, where the situation of serious affectation to the rights and freedoms or physical and/or mental health of the affected persons was verified, obtaining a 90% success rate in the urgent removal of sensitive content from networks or web pages.

Obtaining this high percentage in the removal of sensitive content is a giant step in the recovery of the victims within the traumatic process suffered.

Priority Channel Award

On October 20, the AEPD announced that, during the 45th Global Privacy Assembly (GPA), organized by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Bermuda, which brought together more than 140 data protection authorities from around the world, the AEPD’s Priority Channel was awarded in the category ‘Dispute resolution & Enforcement’, for being considered an effective tool to protect the physical and psychological integrity of those individuals who are seriously affected by the dissemination of content published online and the enforcement of the law. Enforcement’ (‘Dispute resolution & Enforcement’), as this channel is considered an effective tool to protect the physical and psychological integrity of those who are seriously affected by the dissemination of content published online and that constitutes digital violence, especially against women, children and vulnerable people.

Other campaigns of interest

The “Cambia El Plan” campaign is just starting, where the objective is to promote the digital health of minors through the awareness of their parents, reducing the physical, mental, sexual and social risks posed by the intensive and uncontrolled use of screens.

The use of technology is now normalized in our lives at all levels and for everyone.

Minors are especially involved in the use of technology on a daily basis, and therefore, they are a particularly vulnerable group, in addition to the fact that they are in the process of personality development and everything, absolutely everything, can influence them in shaping their values and actions.

This campaign is accompanied by the Digital Family Plan, developed by the AEPD and the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, which includes proposals based on scientific recommendations that each family can select, some classified by age and others general for the whole family, to achieve an appropriate use of digital media by children.

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